Magical Mel … sparkles and shines in the news ..


This week in the news and star newspaper, you will find the story of our wonderful faery friend Magic Mel.


Mel has taken time out from her busy faery schedule to talk to the readers of the Cottingley happy news blog : I closed my eyes and wished for an interview with the Cumbria Faery, as we all know Faery wishes come true……….

How long have you been a professional Fairy?
I have worked with children for 20 years now but been doing Fairy School and Parties for the last 5 years based at Hazeldean Therapy Centre.Girls and Boys come along during the holidays and take part in fairy crafts,games and Story time,they also have the opportunity to dress up but most come along ready dressed to play.Parties and Events I deliver throughout the year.
Do you believe in fairies? I do believe in Fairies and more importantly they believe in me.
I do believe there are many Fairies in the world all with different roles some looking after the land and sky and others making people smile.
Have you ever seen a fairy? can you tell us a tale about this?
Although I have never seen a Fairy I do believe I can feel their presence especially when I am at Hazeldean with the children.
Have you ever been anywhere to specifically look for fairies?
This is how i feel a quote I read many years ago in a book”Dont go looking for Fairies they will come looking for you”
How long has Fairy day Cumbria been going and what inspired you to start such an event? Is there any new developments on this day?
Cumbrian Fairy Day is going into its 3rd year and has grown so much with people having experienced the Magic that the day brings.Fairy Day is set in a stunning location already filled with magic.This year we have stallholders and fairies flying in from afar which is great and will certainly add that extra sparkle to the event.We have different Lands and stations at this years event and expecting a thousand people.I was inspired by 3 wishes 4 years ago and knew the people of Cumbria would love the elements of such an Event. I see Karen Kay as a true inspiration “The Fairy Queen of all”.
What is the most cutest thing a child has said to you?
 I had a child at Fairy School come real close and went on to tap my tooth then said”Oh my goodness you have teeth why do you take all the children s when you have teeth already ?” I replied by saying that i was not the Tooth Fairy but the Party Fairy as I liked to Party.

or join her on face book :

I have recently been nominated as Best Children Entertainer and Most Outstanding Activity Leader for children aged 5 to 12 .
Freyja faery will be joining magical Mel’s event this year, flying in from Cottingley to Cumbria , You can find Freyja  at ….. Image


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