Cottingley Woods in the Snow

As we strolled through the woods, we felt the need to follow the path deeper into them, where the veil is thin and the faery folk play :Image

To where the tree’s nearly reach the sky;


Evidence of the Faery homes, where the Fae have taken shelter from the snow:


Like Nania, all the time expecting Mr Tumnus to come trip tropping and hoof stomping our way:Image

ImageThe Special faery rocks lay in wait for the nature spirits to awaken once more :


The sun shines through and spreads the light and gives us joy that the Fae may awaken and join us once more in this magical place …


The Fae are still here … you only have to believe ….


5 thoughts on “Cottingley Woods in the Snow

  1. I believe it was like passing through Narnia,wonderful and so creative Joe and Chris,thank you you make my days so much more magical xx

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